tone: units, unit cards, modeling, unit stats, vegetation, scripting, ai balancing.ahowl11: leader, founder and face of the Mod, coding, unit cards.New scripts such as garrisons scripts in important cities, ai scripts, and an emergency army script.New horses, combining the Remastered horses with RS2 saddle, cloth and armor models/textures.Loads of new descriptions for factions, new recruitment buildings and units, written by our historians!.New trait systems from RS2 including: Roman Leadership, Roman Provincial Governors, Greek Leadership, Carthaginian Leadership, Barbarian Leadership, Hellenistic Dynasties and Satrapies, and Personality traits.

New environments, skies, LUTS (lighting), weather, and clouds for a more in-depth and realistic experience!.A much tougher free people’s faction, they act independent, are strong and might even attack you!.Massive amount of new music, combining the works of RS2 and RTR as well as the compositions of Tyler Cunningham.All new faction icons, campaign and battle map banners as well as some changed faction colors.Pick annexation and get your military but some penalties. A brand new recruitment system focusing on a choice: pick allied and get no military but some nice bonuses.This is a much more difficult system than vanilla, but not impossible by any means! A brand new economic system, focused on farming early and trade later.The Mundus Magnus map has been added, with a complete overhaul of the settlements, and trade resources, based off of historical research.A brand new unit roser, which are all Roma Surrectum 2 units, this is still temporary but they look amazing!.Overall RIS will look to provide historical accuracy as well as fun and challenging gameplay. This is the second official version of the combined teams of Rome Total Realism and Roma Surrectum. We are proud to present to you all: RTR: Imperium Surrectum!